Winter is Coming…
And I’m going to pause here for a moment and talk about how impossible self-care is right now.
I mean, let’s take a quick look at the current state, as I write this. For me, I'm navigating remote learning for two…TWO!! Teenagers right now, after uprooting my family from NYC to make the Berkshires our home base for the eminent future, while my husband shares time between Gotham and the mountains, while I’m running my own businesses from home…
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in MY heart
I heard it all the time growing up, Heather stop talking so much, your distracting the class (from my 6th grade teacher). Heather get off the phone we’re late (from my mother;). At my first jobs - waiting tables, I loved chatting with the customers and hearing their stories. In my 20s my most favorite job was being a bartender. I learned so much because I heard so much. I love to engage with people, I’m so curious about their thoughts, and their beliefs.
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Adapt! Learn! Grow!
When life throws you lemons you make lemonade. We’ve all heard this quote but is it that easy to do? What if you get tons of lemons all at one time? What if you don’t know how to handle all the lemons that are coming at you? What if the lemons are old and rotten? The past two years have been full of lemons and lemonade for me.
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Forest bathing in Patagonia
In preparation for Patagonia (an epic event) I am also preparing for coming back from that event and maintaining that high level of performance.
It’s called REACHING. It is a proven fact that if you set little goals for every day, every week, every month every six months, each time you achieve one of those goals it increases your happiness, confidence, and your will to keep reaching, for epic moments and the little successes too.
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Work, Train, Recover - Fitness for Patagonia 2019 and Beyond
In preparation for Patagonia (an epic event) I am also preparing for coming back from that event and maintaining that high level of performance.
It’s called REACHING. It is a proven fact that if you set little goals for every day, every week, every month every six months, each time you achieve one of those goals it increases your happiness, confidence, and your will to keep reaching, for epic moments and the little successes too.
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#301 Resist the Irresistible
Breaking free of the grip of processed food is a must if you want to claim your own health. Get angry, you’ve been hijacked! Convenience foods are convenient only for the companies that profit off of them.
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Wellness makeover #201 Read Your Labels!
Here are some basics that you should follow from here on out! Learn to speed read, if your food ingredient list exceeds 3 to 5 ingredients be on the alert. If you can’t pronounce or easily identify the ingredients, no matter how few or how many there are. That’s a red flag.
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Wellness #101 - The new you starts HERE!
This blog is going to change the way you look at your food and will be filled with every day habits and practices you can deploy to launch a healthy lifestyle, to sustain a path you are already on, or a path you are trying to master - depending on where you are starting from and your level of expertise.
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