Love it or hate it, Fall is in full gear!
To some, it can be a depressing season, marking shorter days and the looming stress of the holiday season ahead. While others feel better when they can get back into routines again and see it as a signal to reset. I love Halloween, (another take it or leave it scenario for folks.) I have been a big fan, since I can remember. In fact, many of my most vivid memories of childhood are of Halloween.
One memory includes a wood paneled station wagon with the back down, I can remember so clearly watching my sneakers skim the street as we rode backwards on the tailgate, legs dangling, as Mom bumped us along to the next trick or treat. I also so clearly remember feeling exhilarated by the night air. And, panting in-hiding, following the sprint-of-my-life, after throwing just one egg. And, that awesome adrenaline of being scared - when you know you are safe; screaming and laughing at the same time!? Remember when your friend (especially a cute one) was chasing you with the shaving cream...?
It's DOPEamine!!
While it’s true that Halloween and our other holidays will most likely look very different this year, it's an opportunity to flip the perspective on our fears by identifying that these fearful beliefs, are-coming-up-to-challenge-you. Without getting too esoteric, the truth is, the world is what you believe it to be. A simple example is: If you ‘believe' that people are inherently mean and selfish then you will actively look for evidence that supports that belief— and you will find it. If you believe that Fall is inherently good and an important part of our planet, then you will find ways to lean into activities that support this belief instead. So we can go-on holding-on to the things that we know are our triggers or, begin to recognize them for what they are - just ‘beliefs’ and begin to free yourself up to make new beliefs. I know, I know, easier said than done, but it is a good reminder.
My family and I like to move around for our Halloween and try new things. We love haunted houses and the brilliantly determined city blocks in NYC that turn out one-amazing trick or treat extravaganza after the next.
One of our frequent and favorite spots to visit is Sleepy Hollow; the real-life-town set as the backdrop of Washington Irving’s, The legend of Sleepy Hollow where the Headless Horseman rode! This year, we will be in the Berkshires, and we are looking into some new things. Our son, Jax has already expressed that he is not into Halloween anymore. It is both challenging and exciting to see the kids grow and transition from children into teens, (I did say challenging right!?). He will be back.
We know for sure that many of our family rituals and traditions will be quite different this year. And we also know that when things are out of our control, we can control our beliefs, starting with mindset and how we respond, react and plan for the new normal. This year we will all be trying new things, we will be getting creative with our celebrations and traditions, and right now is an opportunity to get-out-in-front-of-it.
Once you start to open your eyes to a different perspective, you will find more evidence to support it!
Thanks to my Mom for my handmade costumes and for cleaning the shaving cream out of my hair .
Happy Halloween!
Make it yours. x. h
While it’s true that Halloween and our other holidays will most likely look very different this year, it's an opportunity to flip the perspective on our fears by identifying that these fearful beliefs, are-coming-up-to-challenge-you.